With great pleasure, we would like to invite you for the online IRSPM expert meeting named The Potential of Design for Addressing Wicked Issues | Emergent Design-led Strategies in Addressing Wicked Issues on November 20 organized by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. The event will include key-note speeches and breakout sessions exploring the possibilities, potential and pitfalls of design to address wicked issues. To offer all our participants a suitable and convenient timeslot across the time zones, the agenda will be divided into morning and evening sessions (CEST) with some side events taking place all the time.
This panel is a continuation of the IRSPM Special Interest Group named ‘Design-led approaches to renewing public management and governance’. We very much welcome you to continue the academic discussion around this theme by submitting an extended description of your contribution (e.g. abstract, sneak preview or outline of max 400 words) due September 25th to Dr. William Voorberg (voorberg@essb.eur.nl).
More information can be found in the attached document and for any queries do not hesitate to get in touch.
We hope to see you November 20th!