On the 18th of October 2019 the IRSPM expert meeting entitled Design-led Approaches to Renewing Public Management and Governance will be held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The event will include key-note speeches and breakout sessions discussing the value, possibilities, limitations, conditions and routes for improvement of design-led approaches within public sector and government.
The meeting is a continuation of the identically titled IRSPM Special Interest Group we organized at the annual IRSPM conference last April in Wellington New Zealand. We very much welcome you to contribute to the discussion by submitting an extended description of your contribution (e.g. abstract, sneak preview or outline of max 400 words) before September 13 17:00 to Dr. William Voorberg (voorberg@essb.eur.nl).
There is no fee for this event and lunch and coffee will be provided during the day. Dinner will be on own expense.
More information can be found in the attached document and for any queries do not hesitate to get in touch.
We hope to welcome you October 18th!