Motivators for Municipal Council Membership

Research into the role of different motivators for different citizen groups


William Voorberg, Brenda Vermeeren & Arwin van Buuren




This research report describes the results of a large-scale panel study of the motivations of citizens to apply for candidacy for the municipal council. According to the CLEAR-framework (Lowndes et al., 2006), the influence of the dimensions ‘Can do’, ‘Like to’, ‘Enabled to’, ‘Asked to’ and ‘Responded to’ in citizen’s motivations for applying for candidacy the municipal council was studied. It was found that particularly intrinsic motivation – ‘Like to’ – as well as support from others – ‘Enabled to’ – are important factors determining a citizen’s motivation. Hence, particularly these factors ought to be taken into account when encouraging citizens to apply for candidacy. In light of this, current ‘incentives’ that are put in place to do so may be insufficient.